Are you looking for Typescript Interview Questions & Answers? Typescript is an open-source strongly typed and compiled programming language. So, if you’re the one who is looking forward to finding a typescripts jobs have to cross the job interview and for that, we have compiled 15 crucial typescript interview questions & answers for freshers and experienced candidates. These question and answers will help them to sail through the job interview panel and get a job efficiently.
Typescript Interview Questions & Answers:
We find belowmentioned 15 question and answers very helpful for typescript interviews.
1. What do you understand by Typescript?
Typescript can be performed on any browser, operating system or any host. It is a free and open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a firmly types superset of Javascript that arrange to plain Javascript. It is a language for application scale Javascript development.
2. Why typescript is strongly typed?
Typescript is strongly typed to grammatical benefits to this language while still allowing the user to write normal Javascript. It also ensures the production of predictable results with fewer errors and more secure.
3. What is the use of decorators in Typescript?
In typescript, decorators are used to contributing a way to add both Meta programming syntax and glossary for members and declarations.
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4. Which object-oriented terms are supported by Typescript?
Typescript supports the following object-oriented terms:
- Classes
- Modules
- Interfaces
- Data types
- Member functions
- Inheritance
5. What are the types of scopes available in Javascript?
There are two types of scopes available in Javascript, they are:
6. What is a typescript Map file?
- The Typescript map file is a source map file that holds information about our original files.
- Many debuggers can consume these files so we can debug the typescript file instead of the Javascript file
- .map files are source map files that let tools map between the diffuse Javascript code and the typescript source files that created it
7. What are the benefits of typescript?
Typescript has the following benefits:
- Offers type checking
- Compile-time error checking
- Impose coding guidelines
- Use class-based object-oriented programming
- It helps in code structuring etc.
8. What is ‘Method overriding’ in Typescript?
If the child class has the same method as declared in the parent class, it is known as method overriding.
Rules for Method Overriding:
- The method must have the same name as in the parent class
- There must be an IS-A relationship
- The method must have the same parameter as in the parent class
9. Explain ‘Enum’ in Typescript?
Enumeration or Enum is typescript data that allow us to determine a set of named constants. Using enums can make it easier to document intent or create a set of distinct cases.
10. What is an Arrow Function?
ES6 version of typescript arranges shorthand syntax for defining the nameless function, i.e. for function expressions. These arrows operate are also called lambda functions.
11. What is “as” syntax in typescript?
The as is the additional syntax for type assertion in Typescript. The reason for introducing the as syntax is that the original syntax () conflicted with JSX.
12. What is the default access modifier for members of a class in typescript?
In typescript, each member of the class is public by default.
13. Does typescript support all object-oriented principles?
Yes, typescript supports all object-oriented principles. There are mainly four principles to object-oriented programming:
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Inheritance and
- Polymorphism
14. How to check null and undefined in typescript?
By using a juggling check, we can check both null and undefined: if(x==null){}
You can find more such helpful questions and answers for other interviews for different skills and programming languages.
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